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The Six Bible Passages Used To Condemn Homosexuals |
This material is given in one long page so that you can more easily print it out to read and study and share with others. You can also move to each main section by clicking on the Scripture references: Genesis 19:5 Leviticus 18:22 & 20:13 I Corinthians 6:9; I Timothy 1:9-10 In preparation for each passage, read the entire chapter. For Romans 1:26-27, read the first 3 chapters of Romans. Read Genesis chapter 38 for a clear picture of the Old Testament attitudes about women, sex, the necessity of producing offspring, the control of men over women, the double standard for men and women, and other sexuality issues. |
Genesis 19:5: Leviticus 18:22:
Romans 1:26-27: Three of the passages: Genesis 19:5; I Corinthians 6:9 and I Timothy 1:10 are incorrectly translated. The other three: Leviticus 18:22; 20:13 and Romans 1:26-27 are taken out of their original setting of condemning idolatrous religious practices and wrongly used to judge and condemn people of the same sex who love each other. None of these passages refer to people of the same sex who love each other. None originally were aimed at homosexuals. Contact me and I will answer your questions about these passages by e-mail. See also my book, Steps to Recovery From Bible Abuse and my NEW SPECIAL OFFER. "THE SODOMY MYTH" THE UNITED STATES SUPREME COURT Once again the attention of the United States is focused on the mythical concept of "sodomy" as the highest court in the land wrestles with illegal, unjust, dishonest, homophobic, abusive, inconsistent, repressive state laws that are based on religious misunderstanding and ignorance. Many states have removed their state "sodomy laws." The kind of arguments that the Texas Attorney General has made to the Supreme Court would require the Court to demand that these states put back their medieval "Sodomy laws" for the common good! The entire "sodomy" issue is a bogus cause and unworthy of any serious intelligent debate and dispute. (See links below.) "SODOMY" No word for "sodomy" exists in biblical Hebrew or Greek! A "Sodomite" is simply someone who lived in the city of Sodom, just as a "Moabite" lived in Moab. Any use of the words "sodomy" or "sodomite" in biblical translations is a vicious mistake that attempts to read incorrect interpretation into the text itself and thereby discredit all translations. No word for "homosexual" or for "homosexuality" exists in biblical Hebrew or Greek. In fact, no word for "sex" exists in the biblical languages! (Look in the major concordances, and you will not find even one reference to "sex".) The cultural world of the biblical material is vastly different from ours today, and not one word means exactly today what it meant 2,000 to 3,000 years ago in a different world and in languages that are not used any more as they existed at that time. SEE MY WEB SITE MATERIAL ON ALL OF THIS . NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE The city of Nashville is locked in a great community-dividing battle over the issue of protecting the civil and human rights of GLBT people. The presence of headquarters for nine major fundamentalist religions in Nashville has greatly muddied the community values regarding LGBT people. Southern Baptists, United Methodists and National Baptists are among those with publishing and administrative offices in Nashville. The Church of Christ and other similar groups have their colleges in Nashville. When I became pastor of MCC Nashville in 1993, the state of Tennessee still had state laws against "sodomy". One of my best friends, Dr. Chris Simien, was a graduate student at Vanderbilt University at the time studying for his PhD in clinical psychology. Chris joined with several other young GLBT students who were preparing for careers in counseling and challenged the Tennessee state laws against sodomy as unconstitutional in view of the Tennessee State Constitution guarantee of the individual's right to privacy. They won in 1995. After several court decisions and appeals, the Tennessee State Supreme Court agreed that the state sodomy laws were a violation of the State protection of the right to privacy. All sodomy laws were removed from the state statutes. (See related links below) The local Nashville lawyer who handled this case for Chris and his friends was Abby Rubenfeld, a prominent civil rights attorney, who happens to be the sister of Paul Ruben, who is also known as "Pee-Wee Herman." I talked to my friend Chris in Nashville this morning, and he told me that the ordinance to protect GLBT human rights in Nashville was just defeated. THE IGNORANCE FACTOR Recent arguments against homosexuals and against GLBT civil and human rights at the Supreme Court along with a lot of the questions asked by the Justices themselves reflect an incredible level of ignorance concerning the facts about GLBT people. Dedicated purveyors of ignorance and misinformation have done a great job of confusing and distorting the truth about homosexuality and homosexuals. The "Ex-Gay Fraud" and related religious distortion ministries by such groups as "Focus on the Family" and "Family Research Council" have distracted multitudes of people away from the facts about religious and social abuse of GLBT people. Correcting misinformation and distortions takes a lot of research and ever-changing approaches to reaching out with the facts in ways that will be heard and accepted. My web site has been available since September 1997, and I have continuously revised and added updates to deal with current events. The detailed information that is on my web site answers the distortions and misinformation, but it takes a lot of time to work through all of the material. GLBT CONFUSION One of the most destructive results of the religious, political distortions and misinformation about GLBT people has been the self-destructive behavior including a steady rate of suicide among our own people who have believed the lies forced upon them by their own families, churches, politicians, friends and other sources of dedicated ignorance. No simple easy remedy exists to the dilemmas faced by LGBT people in our society. For every web site and book that tells the truth about GLBT life and issues, hundreds of anti-gay homophobic religion based sources of misinformation flood the Internet, bookstores, media, and public institutions. We need each other. We need clear convincing presentations of the facts. We need allies in every level of society who can stand with us, stand in our shoes, understand us, accept us, and affirm us in our human value and human rights. WHERE DO YOU FIT IN? What are you personally doing to make a difference for truth, reality and the facts? Are you well informed with the facts that you need to know? The sources of information are endless. You have to be selective and undistracted by false voices and uninformed people. Learning what you need to know in order to make a difference in this world for yourself and for other GLBT people will demand and require everything that you can give of yourself, your time, your relationships, and your opportunities to touch others. My web site gives a lot of information, but it also directs you to many other web site sources and books that can help you to know the facts and act with confidence in your own truth. New issues and new situations emerge every day. Chris and Barbara Purdom through their ministry of information "Religion at Critpath" as part of Interfaith Working Group have helped me for years to keep up with what's happening in our world. BECOME INFORMED The present debates and decision of the United States Supreme Court will have a long-term powerful effect on GLBT people everywhere. Take the time to become informed about all of the details of these developments. Do whatever you can to make a difference where you are. Rembert Truluck (See new pictures of our kitties in my web site updates.) Click here for references and other sites Supreme Court related sites: http://www.usnewswire.com/topnews/qtr1_2003/0326-144.html Links and stories from Washington Post: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/nation/courts/supremecourt/20022003/ Lambda Legal Challenge: http://www.lambdalegal.org/cgi-bin/iowa/documents/record?record=1176 Click here to see the relationship of Jesus to the Bible See a history of the Sodomy Law issue in Tennessee: http://www.sodomylaws.org/sensibilities/tennessee.htm Other related sites: http://www.qrd.org/qrd/usa/tennessee/1993/sodomy.challenge http://www.aclu-tn.org/privacy01-02.html Family Research Council: http://www.frc.org/ Focus on the Family: http://www.family.org/ Focus
on the Family and James Dobson recently devoted time and money to
promoting the totally bogus book by Dr. Joseph Nicolosi on "Preventing
Homosexuality". Nicolosi is a professionally discredited
psychologist, whose war against homosexuals has extended through many
years and many books that form the foundation for the "Ex-Gay" disaster
that confuses and distorts all issues related to GLBT people. Special Update added September 1, 2001: A recent religious attack against progress for GLBT people declared: "The sodomites have won again!" In view of the recent Florida decision to deny the rights of GLBT people to adopt children, we need to take a fresh look at just what the words "sodomy" and "sodomite" really mean. WHO ARE THE SODOMITES? The homophobic religious right often refers to homosexuals as "sodomites" not realizing that the religious right in their ignorant rejection and abuse of GLBT people are the real "sodomites"! (See my discussion of Genesis 19:5 above and in my book. No word for "sodomite" exists in biblical Hebrew. The word "sodomite" is a homophobic invention. See book below.) Name-calling is a favorite pastime of religious fanatics. It creates an unreasoning emotional response in their submissive hearers. We are not dealing with logical objective reasonable people in our battle for acceptance and understanding as GLBT people. We are wrestling with religious "principalities and powers and the rulers of the darkness of this world." Religion has darkened the minds of millions of people to the real truth of God's love and acceptance of all people as having equal value before God. Abusive churches have become blind to the personality and purpose of Jesus of Nazareth. Slick portraits and statues of crucified feeble "Christ's" have obscured the real Jesus and filled the imagination of millions of people with a false image of Jesus that has no social and cultural impact beyond the teachings and demands of oppressive religious institutions. The traditional images of Jesus with a flock of sheep or alone with face upturned to a blazing light or on a cross has created a remoteness that makes it almost impossible for the average person really to identify with the human Jesus of the Gospels. ART AS ENEMY OF THE TRUTH Art often has been our enemy. Literature also in such "masterpieces" as Dante's "Inferno" and "Paradise Lost" and thousands of other flights of imagination have replaced the realism of the Four Gospels with fantasy and speculation that have caught and dominated human imagination far more than the truth for over a thousand years. Current writers and moviemakers have given vivid realistic images of the "end of the world" and the so-called "rapture" so that the unending cacophony of confusion about Jesus is multiplied through the Internet and all other mass media of television and books. We are nowhere close to a resolution of our dilemma of knowing a different Jesus from the Jesus of traditional religion that is entrenched in the minds and hearts of millions of people in conflict with the real Jesus of the Gospels. Fantasy and speculations have replaced the realism of the Four Gospels. Artistic pictures of Jesus are far more vivid in the minds of most people than the simple human portrait of Jesus in the Four Gospels, where Jesus is most often pictured sitting with the outcasts and eating with the unclean people of his community. Jesus accepted and welcomed the people that everybody else, including religion, rejected and despised. The suffering of Jesus is magnified in art at the expense of his realistic humanity and identification with average people. To identify with the pitiful image of the suffering Jesus is to abandon the realism of living life to the fullest as a beloved child of God in the image of God, which is what most of the Gospel story is really about. The "pitiful Jesus" has been magnified in art beyond the evidence to induce emotional self-rejection and to arouse remorse instead of discipleship, sadness instead of joy. "Man of sorrows and acquainted with grief" is an unfortunate misrepresentation of the true Jesus, who enjoyed life with his friends so much that his enemies accused him of being party boy and a heavy drinker! Jesus welcomed and "ate with sinners" instead of condemning and rejecting them. THE IDEAL OF JESUS The call of Jesus is not to deny your real self and reject who you really are. It is the same call that Jesus followed by accepting himself as God had made him and accomplishing what he alone could do. You also have a mission in life that fits you. It may not fit anybody else who ever lived. But it fits you. Why is that so difficult to grasp? Is it because religion itself has taught you to reject yourself and deny your true nature and reason for being? Religion has betrayed you, and religion also has betrayed Jesus. How can you recover the "real Jesus" in your spiritual path of faith? How can you really let go and move on? Try being logical and realistic. What kind of God would create you as a gay or lesbian person and then condemn you to eternal fires of hell because of how God had made you? That kind of thinking is totally destructive and is not logical or realistic. Whenever religion condemns and rejects people because of how God made them, it is obviously false and out of touch with reality. Yet millions still believe in it! ESCAPE INTO REALITY Leaving the comfortable fold of traditional abusive religion is often the hardest decision a person has to make. It is far more difficult than joining the church in the first place. Leaving the fold invites rejection, condemnation, judgment and self-blame and guilt. It is not an easy path out of delusion into the truth. Yet your health and wholeness as a person depend upon your escape from abusive religion. I receive e-mail every day from people who have made the leap of faith out of destructive religion into the reality of God's love. I know that you can do this too, and you can help others to do the same. WHO ARE THE ANGELS? In the Sodom story in Genesis 19, the angels were the messengers from God who represented the truth of God's love and protection for Lot and his family. The angels were like GLBT people, who are different from others and who are seen as aliens and strangers and therefore a threat to those who are misinformed and who do not really recognize what God is doing. The people of Sodom were the "sodomites" who wanted to expose, demean, humiliate and destroy the angels, whom they did not understand and who were strange and different. Isn't it incredible that the biblical literalists have gotten the terms backwards! They have called people who like the angels are different and strangers, such as Gay and Lesbian people, the "sodomites" when actually the sodomites are the rigid legalists who judge and condemn people they don't understand and who seem to threaten them and who must be attacked and destroyed! Homophobic legalists have distorted and misrepresented the Bible to create a "power tool," a religious chainsaw, to massacre LGBT people. We have to challenge and neutralize these deadly weapons being used against us even by our own families and all too often used by us against ourselves and against each other. Biblical literalism always betrays those who try to force their ignorance on others in the name of God. Run! Don't walk, to the nearest exit and escape! WHO IS JESUS? Jesus is the one person who rises above all of the misinformation and deceit about the value of each individual to God. Jesus has already accepted you and loved you and done for you everything that Jesus has done for all people. Everything that Jesus did was done for the entire human race, and that includes you and me! "Whosoever" is not a mistake or a misprint. It is the basic principle of God's way of dealing with humans, who are all represented in Jesus. Jesus said, "Because I live, you shall live also." God's acceptance and approval of Jesus is God's acceptance and approval of you. Enjoy it! Why can't religion just leave us alone and let us enjoy being God's children created in the image of God? Money? Political power? Is that what is really at stake? Is the long torturous history of abusive religion just one extended selfish mistake for the purpose of giving power to people over other people in the name of some god? Probably. Being logical, realistic, objective and practical comes at a high cost. You have to let go of illusions, fantasies, imaginations and inconsistencies, which seem to be what life is about for many religionists. You have to grow up into the maturity of Jesus and learn to love yourself and others in the Spirit of Jesus. You really do have to let go and move on. Can you? Are you willing to let go and move on? Or do you have such a sick case of religion that you enjoy hating yourself and others? Maybe you have to wake up before you can let go and move on! There goes the alarm clock. Time to wake up! See "The Invention of Sodomy in Christian Theology" by Mark D. Jordan: "OUT, PROUD AND FREE" "GLBT PRIDE" is being celebrated this week around the world. Many of us are "Out" and "Proud," but we are not yet "Free." As long as we continue to live under political, religious and cultural oppression and abuse because of our sexual orientation, we cannot really be free. Homophobia is a social and psychological disease. Internalized homophobia leads to self destructive thinking and actions for millions of GLBT people every day. (See: "Society and the Healthy Homosexual" (1972) by George Weinberg, who invented the word "homophobia" to indicate a treatable emotional disorder.) When you are told every day by important people in your world that you are evil and unfit because you are homosexual, you begin to believe that some of it must be true. None of it is true! National news recently announced that over 10,000 military personnel have been thrown out of military service based on the "Don't ask. Don't tell" policy of our national government. Staying "in the closet" to avoid being singled out and punished by your own family and friends because of your sexual orientation is very painful and self-destructive. "The closet is a dark room where negatives develop." THE POLITICS OF HOMOPHOBIA Yesterday I saw a television interview with Franklin Graham, son of famous evangelist Billy Graham. Franklin gave his support to George Bush and explained that he agreed with Bush's religious testimony and his stand against liberal Christianity. Franklin also mentioned that his father is a Democrat. This interview was broadcast nationally without giving any opportunity for GLBT rebuttal. The politics of homophobia are based on ignorance and religious misinformation and abuse. Homophobia is a serious social and mental disorder. GLBT children have to be taught to hate themselves from a very early age in order for homophobia to develop into a self-defeating destructive lifestyle. "GOD MADE ME DO IT" President Bush claims that his political and military decisions come from God. Joshua in the Old Testament also claimed that God told him to kill and destroy all of the native people, including babies and children. Joshua justified military destruction (genocide) of whole cties and races as the will of God. No piece of ancient literature is more filled with violence, treachery, war and genocide than the "Holy Bible." I receive a steady stream of "hate mail" in response to my website. Religious abusers selectively use bits and pieces of biblical material to "prove" that God hates and condemns homosexuals. A badly translated verse will be taken out of context and used to condemn me because I have demonstrated (from the Bible) that GLBT people are God's beloved children also. Most people who write me to condemn me have only glanced briefly at my website. Most of the questions that abusive fundamentalists ask me to answer are already answered in my website material on "THE BIBLE AND HOMOSEXUALITY." (See link below.) THE FEAR FACTOR IN RELIGION Fear of Homosexuality also is being used by Baptists, Roman Catholics, and a great host of other religions to gain political, financial and cultural control of the United States at the expense of GLBT people. Homophobia also is unfair. The news media at every level allows homophobic hate and misinformation to be spread like bitter molasses over the human pancake. My friend Jay Martin this morning sent news articles that report how the rapidly accelerating homophobic activities of Southern Baptists and other fundamentalists are tearing down centuries of respect for human and civil rights for all people and obliterating the clear Constitutional guarantee of separation of church and state. INTERNALIZED POISON The internalized poison of homophobia and abusive religion continues to take human hostages and to diminish GLBT self-esteem and joyful self-acceptance. GLBT pride events this month have done nothing and can do nothing to change the misinformed homophobic world! The only real change in your search for freedom from fear and self-rejection happens within you and in your own heart and mind. Use the occasion of GLBT Pride week to tell everybody you know about my "Steps to Recovery from Bible Abuse" website (http://www.otkenyer.hu/truluck/) and book, published by Chi Rho Press. (See links below.) The liberating power of learning the facts and accurate information about homosexuality paves the way for you into a new world "over the rainbow" and into "the promised land." Gene Kelly sang and danced in a powerful movie sequence called "Singing in the Rain." Kelly, Judy Garland and their songs were honored this week on television as among the best movie songs ever performed. Are you moving forward into your vision of hope "over the rainbow" while you continue to "sing in the rain" of homophobic lies and distortions that reject and condemn you? Your own self-rejection and homophobia will "kill you and your little dog too!" ESCAPE FROM ABUSE What has helped you the most to resist homophobic rejection and build up your own self-acceptance and self-esteem? How have you handled your rejection by family, friends, church, etc.? Do you sometimes feel like you are trying to jump out the window of a burning building only to look down and see a self-righteous hand holding onto your feet and preventing your escape from the torments of homophobic religion? We like to pretend that our family or friends actually "mean well" when they quote biblical material to "save us" from homosexuality and from our sin against God and nature. They do not "mean well"! They are deluded and distracted by traditional abusive religion and they are not thinking for themselves. They need accurate information and truth. Give it to them! WAR WITHOUT END GLBT battles for acceptance, self-esteem, and survival are being played out on a drastically uneven battlefield. The vast religious/political/media homophobic forces that are arrayed against us have far greater resources a lot more money, and far more deadly weapons to use against us than we have to defend ourselves. We are for the most part not even using the weapons that we have. Go to the Internet and search my website (http://www.otkenyer.hu/truluck/) and follow the suggested links to other supportive informational sites. Do a Yahoo! Search for "gay and lesbian" on "Yahoo News." Become informed. Not knowing enough accurate information to be confident in yourself that your sexual orientation is right for you is a great disadvantage for you and can eliminate you from the battlefield before you can engage the enemy and go beyond defense into effective contact and conquest. Our battle for acceptance and respect is not lost. "We have just begun to fight!" THE BANNER OF TRUTH We move into battle under the banner of "TRUTH" and we fight for our own survival as well as for the good of all GLBT people. The weapons of our warfare are spiritual. (See the quote from Ephesians 6:10-20 in link below.) Two great movie classics have become part of our modern mythology and culture. The "Star Wars" series and the "Lord of the Rings" series have informed and instructed all of us in the methods and strategies of success against the unseen "dark side of the force" and against the mindless robots of religious abuse and oppression. View two great culture challenging movies: "Metropolis" (which lays a foundation for "Matrix") and Pink Floyd's "The Wall" (which exposes the deadly power of regimented social/religious indoctrination). When I first saw "The Wall" in Atlanta several years ago, I was struck by how clearly the robot like actions reflected the mindless decisions that built great emotional response to old fashion country "revivals" that I once attended and even led myself. I can hardly wait to see the new Michael Moore movie "Fahrenheit 9/11"! You may recall that Michael Moore also did a brief television documentary on "Fred Phelps" and his anti-gay crusade. Moore included interviews with Fred and his family and let them discredit themselves with their own words. Michael Moore is one of the few media people with the talent and resources to create some effective responses to the ignorant destructive "status quo" of American media and culture. Rembert Truluck "You will know the truth, and the truth will make you free." http://www.chirhopress.com/products/product_details/steps_to_recovery_detail s.html |
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